The competition closes 31 May 2024. Please submit your entries before the closing date.

The rules are plain and simple:

  • NOT Published

    The illustrations should not have been published before.

    You may enter only if you have not published an entire picture book with a trade publisher before. However, you are allowed to enter if you have published educational books or other forms and genres before (e.g. in a poetry anthology, adult fiction, book covers, etcetera).

  • The story

    It might already exist or it can be one of your own stories.

    Remember, this is an illustration competition. It’s great to write your own story but if you don’t, you can use an existing story, including a classic tale. We just want to see if you can tell a story with your illustrations. In the upload-stage you will add a PDF that includes the text that goes with each illustration and a short synopsis of no more than 250 words of the complete story.

  • The illustrations

    Three illustrations, one story.

    You will tell one story, or part of a bigger story, through three illustrations. Any technique or medium may be used.

    And always remember: you are trying to make a picture book for children. Be as creative as you like but don’t lose sight of your audience.

  • Upload

    Using the form below, enter the upload stage.

    You will add your three illustrations and a PDF that includes the text that goes with each illustration and a short synopsis (not more than 250 words).

    Please only send in one entry per person.

  • Wait

    Until sometime in July 2024.

    A professional jury will select the three best entries. Winners will be informed by email and the results will also be announced on the Picture This! website and on the social channels of Walker Books UK in July 2024.

What could be in it for you?

If you win Picture This! 2024 UK, you put the spotlight on your work and gain attention from publishers around the world. Many winning illustrators have gone on to illustrate picture books and be published.

The final selection will be published in an international catalogue and presented to several leading picture book publishing houses at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair 2025. This gives the artists an excellent opportunity to find commissions.

You will also win a day at Walker Books UK, which will include a tour of our Vauxhall office, a mentoring session with a professional illustrator and a leading art director, and lunch.

The works of all winning artists will be part of the Picture This! exhibition in KUNZT.

Please find the terms and conditions for entry.


Your entry has to meet the following conditions:

  1. The maximum size of the images is A3. Please mention the real size in the accompanying text. The text must be in English.
  2. The resolution of the images has to be at least 150 dpi.
  3. The maximum size of the separate files is 600 KB.
  4. Please name the files as follows: “firstname_lastname_1” “firstname_lastname_2” “firstname_lastname_3”

“firstname_lastname_txt” Example: “John_Johnson_1.jpg”